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Monotype prints

Monotypes are creative, one-off prints where ink is rolled up, one colour at a time, and transferred onto a flat surface (plate) such as Perspex or Aluminium, for printing through a press. The plate is wiped clean once the print is completed.  No repeat printing is possible.  


These monotype prints have been exhibited at the Bankside Gallery, London in the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers’ annual RE Original Prints Exhibitions. These prints have been sold to private collecters.


Kate is an elected member of The Society of Wood Engravers (SWE) and contributes to the Society’s journal Multiples. Also, she is an elected Fellow to The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE). She has served on the committees for both societies.


Pontoon, 37x43cm


Grainstore, 37x43cm


Riverside Industry, 37x45cm


Cranes 32x40cm


Estuary, 36x44cm



Deborah Roslund Collection

Private Collection

Private Collection

Red Jet, 38x43cm



Refinery & Power station, 21x30cm



Bridge at Sunset, 21x30cm


Garden Statue, 21x30cm



Garden Temple, 21x30m



The Red Tree, 25x21cm



Tree on a Hill, 25x21cm



Master Jack and Mistress Jill represent a nostalgic visit to Kate's collection from the 1950's of small, toy figures and farm animals which where manufactured by Britains for their Model Home Farm series.