Wood Engravings
Wood Engraving is a relief printmaking medium practised on a wood block (end-grain) that can produce a plethora of fine lines and textured tones that are exquisite and expressive. Engraving tools have extraordinary names: scorper, spitsticker, tint tool and graver. The end-grain wood block is a beautiful and organic material on which to work.
Kate is an elected member of The Society of Wood Engravers (SWE) and contributes to the Society’s journal Multiples. Also, she is an elected Fellow to The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers (RE). She has served on the committees for both societies.

Colle Verde, near Lucca, Italy. Southern Arts Residency
In 2001/2002 Kate was selected for the Southern Arts Colle Verde Residency. From large drawings Kate re-interpreted the November landscape into wood engravings which were exhibited at The Beatrice Royal Gallery in Hampshire.
Tuscan Trees, 10x10cm
£120.00 (unframed)

£120.00 (unframed)
Vineyards, 10x10cm
£120.00 (unframed)
Lucca, 10x10cm
Sam Gimignano, 10x10cm
£120.00 (unframed)
Weald & Downland Living Museum, Singleton, West Sussex
The Weald and Downland Living Museum commissioned Kate to create a front cover and the text illustrations for its publication Medieval Recipe Book by Maggie Black (published 1993, no longer in print). The Bayleaf Medieval Farmstead is an iconic building for the museum and provided the main source of inspiration for the book.

Bayleaf Medieval Farmstead. Front cover for Weald & Downland Museum Medieval Cookery Book
11x18cm, Copyright Weald & Downland Living Museum
Hare and Sheep, 5.5x17.5cm
£125.00 (unframed)
Pig and Goose, 5.5x17.5cm
£125.00 (unframed)

Bayleaf Farmstead, 10x15cm
Copyright Weald & Downland Living Museum
Wood Engravings Various