“During lockdown 2020 I regularly walked the chalk downland for my allocated local exercise; well above sea level and with the wind blowing with an optimistic air, regardless of the virus. On certain hill tops I came across trig points.
The triangle marker presented itself as a shape of stability but, in my mind, our survival felt unknown: as if there was no north or south, east or west.
I watched for triangles in fields and yew woodlands, noting them in a small sketchbook. Working back in my studio I imposed the triangle shape into mixed media paintings. With the one monotype print, ’Floating Air’ describes aeration, with an intense red triangle suspended in droplets and globules. The print was created in four colours.
‘Homage to Hockney’ was inspired by David Hockney’s watercolour from his ‘Egyptian Journeys - Pyramid and Sphinx'. In my version the colour has gone from the sky: it is dark. A coloured beam spreads into the triangle. The statues in stone in the foreground are haphazard and static, confused as much as they are truncated and trapped in a one way whisper”.